Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Maybe I should become a counselor?

Friday, first period:

Arnelle: "Miss, I have to tell you something later.  Don't worry, it's good and bad."

Fourth period:

Arnelle:  "This is really hard to say." *long pause*  "I think I might be pregnant."
Me: "Well, what makes you think that?"
Arnelle: "I have all the symptoms.  And I didn't use protection.  And you know, I took a pregnancy test from the dollar store and it had two lines on it."

I have FIVE female students.  This is the THIRD one that has been pregnant at some point this year!

1 comment:

  1. That's so sad...the good thing is that your students trust you enough to confide in you. They could have gone to any other teacher, or guidance counselor, but they chose to confide in you. I think you know you've succeeded as a teacher when your students are comfortable to confide in you....
    On another note, I'm guessing health classes are pretty ineffective, huh?
