Today was an eventful day.
Third period Jay (you remember him? the boy who used to hate me and who made me dread coming to work some days) told me "you look pretty with makeup on--by the way Miss, I'm going to pretend I'm gay for the whole period," and then proceeded to be as flamboyant as possible for the next hour.
Fifth period two of my boys found me in the office and dramatically complained about how starving they were. I sent them back to class, then went over to my classroom where Mr. B was teaching his Resource class. I found my two students sitting in the front of the room with my tea kettle making themselves oatmeal. I only didn't write them up because it was kind of adorable, and they were participating in Mr. B's lesson while they were waiting for the water to heat up. I brought them back to class with their oatmeal in their little cups, and JT walks out miserably and says, "Miss, I have to talk to you about something....I took Benadryl this morning and I CANT KEEP MY EYES OPEN! Can I have some oatmeal to wake me up?"
Sixth period my French friend Hindaty came to visit me at work to see what an American high school is like. Let's just say she didn't get the "typical" high school experience. We had an impromptu lunch session, where I literally just grabbed students I saw in the hallway and asked them if they wanted to talk to a French person. They mostly asked her about snails and how to hit on a girl en francais. She also got to witness my infamous seventh period in all their glory, who asked her if people smoke pot in France and taught her all of their slang words. Then they managed to cheat their way through several rounds of Algebra jeopardy before I noticed they had found the answers...
Eighth period I worked with Carolyn one-on-one to help her with her Algebra, and she said she understands everything better the way I explain it to her, which was pretty much the highlight of my day.